Wi-Fi is an Answer for Africa: Across Africa demands are changing, access models are changing and consumers are blurring the lines between corporate
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Social media: changing the face of modern recruitment
There’s no doubt about it, social media has revolutionised recruitment. Whether it is candidates uploading CVs, connecting through professional networks or applying for jobs online, or employers screening potential candidates through their Facebook pages, recruitment has entered a whole new dimension thanks to social media.
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How the Youth of Today Are Moving the Workplace Forward
Youth Day is a poignant day for all South Africans but as young people born in the nineties or ‘Millennials’ come of age, there seems to be growing cause for celebration as they come together to drive our nation forward, changing the face of the world of work as we…
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High Performance Culture and Sport – Are They All That Different?
Fostering a high performance culture requires planning and discipline, believes Mimecast South Africa Managing Director, Brandon Bekker.   High performance within the workplace is often misunderstood and yet highly prized. In today’s increasingly frantic and connected world output is the measurement used to determine the success or failure. The pressure…
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Manpower South Africa: Annual Talent Shortage Survey Looks at Why South African Employers Are Having Trouble Filling Jobs
ManpowerGroup’s ninth annual Talent Shortage Survey shows some interesting changes for 2014 over the 2013 results, with Skilled Trades replacing Engineers as the most difficult position for companies to fill. The survey is conducted every year out of a sample of 750 businesses in South Africa.   The 2013 results…
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The only way is up… or is it?
Most people who work for a boss dream of one day being the boss. Or at least, being a boss, managing a team of people. The idea of climbing the corporate ladder to achieve this goal is one so many employees aspire to. But unfortunately, pure ambition without self-knowledge can…
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Balancing of Business Requirements and Cultural Beliefs in the Workplace
For many employers, their most important rationale each day is to ensure that their business and/or operational requirements are met. They achieve this objective, inter alia, by ensuring that their employees perform their functions so that their business is profitable. Employees have a fundamental duty to render a service and…
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The SA Leader Magazine


In the September issue

Leadership in a changing context

Interview with one of SA’s Young Achievers

While you’re speaking, what’s your body saying?



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