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The SA Leader Magazine

Digital September 2015 Cover

In the September issue

How to recruit through Social Media

Uber yourself before you get Kodaked

POPI and Medical Practices

Leading and staying focus


Marketing Articles

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Nokia Asha 503 found in the washroom

Primedia Unlimited’s indoor advertising specialists TLC were selected as the Out of Home (OOH) media owner of choice to launch Nokia’s Asha 503 smart phone.


The cost effective smart phone, aimed at the younger market in the LSM 8-10 bracket, is positioned as offering great camera features, built in social media and Fastlane, an application that collects all apps, tweets, contacts, Facebook updates and upcoming calendar entries on to one screen.


“The creative for Nokia’s Asha 503 campaign entitled ‘swipe, snap, share’ is very distinct and lends itself perfectly to our multiple platforms,” says Cara Leigh Woods, Account Manager for TLC. “The tag line ‘swipe, snap, share’ illustrates the simplicity of accessing the phone’s 5 mega pixel camera, taking a quality picture and sharing it to social media, all with minimal fuss.”


Booked by media agency Good Media, the campaign dominated washrooms around the country for a period of three months utilising TLC’s standard A4 frames, mirror decals, door and wall wraps.


For more information about TLC, visit www.primedia-unlimited.co.za.

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