Mobile continues to play a defining role within the banking sector: There’s no denying that we are operating in a 24-hour society. And it is in this always-on
Time is a valuable currency in the distraction economy: In a world where distractions are in heavy supply and where marketing is in low demand, companies
Wi-Fi is an Answer for Africa: Across Africa demands are changing, access models are changing and consumers are blurring the lines between corporate
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We often convince ourselves that change is only required when something is not working. We all know the saying. ‘Don’t try and fix it when it is not broken’. Then again we can’t expect a different result, when we stick to the same old habits.
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SA Companies affected by new financial reporting standards on financial instruments
The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) notes that profitability, liquidity, key financial ratios and headline earnings of most companies will be affected by the new financial reporting standard on financial instruments (IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments).
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PoPI versus FATCA – information governance is critical when dealing with conflicting compliance legislation
The Protection of Personal Information (PoPI) Act, due to come into effect next year, and the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), which came into effect in 2010, are two top legislative governance priorities for financial services institutions this year. However, compliance with both of these laws can prove to…
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Forward-thinking solutions to financial compliance woes
According to a recent international survey conducted by Longitude Research, the race for compliance brought about by new and rapid regulatory changes is distracting senior financial executives from their core activities and causing stress levels to rise. It appears that the pressure of the global regulatory reform won’t be lifting…
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Cross-Border Investigations are Rising – But Many Companies Are Unprepared for the Challenge
Training and resources remain a challenge according to KPMG International survey.   According to the 2013 KPMG Cross-Border Investigations survey of sixty global executives, ninety percent indicated that the number of cross-border investigations have either increased or remained the same over the last year. Yet over fifty percent of these…
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Rate of corporate responsibility reporting across 41 countries - 2011 and 2013

Corporate responsibility reporting is now a standard business practice worldwide

KPMG’s Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2013   Reporting on corporate responsibility (CR) is now a standard business practice worldwide, undertaken by almost three quarters (71 percent) of companies, according to the 8th KPMG Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting published in December 2013.   The 2013 edition of the KPMG…
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The SA Leader Magazine


In the November issue


Leadership Today - Opportunity and Challenge

Self-Service tools and education combine to reduce the data management skills gap

Five questions to ask before choosing a bank for your business


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