Mobile continues to play a defining role within the banking sector: There’s no denying that we are operating in a 24-hour society. And it is in this always-on
Time is a valuable currency in the distraction economy: In a world where distractions are in heavy supply and where marketing is in low demand, companies
Wi-Fi is an Answer for Africa: Across Africa demands are changing, access models are changing and consumers are blurring the lines between corporate
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Most attractive countries for South Africans to invest offshore
For many South Africans who are looking to invest offshore, traditional destinations such as the Isle of Man, Jersey and the UK are usually the first ports of call. Increasingly however, other parts of Europe and the Caribbean have been welcoming foreign investors. These destinations offer substantial tax incentives in…
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Common Investment Mistakes

Common Investment Mistakes

Are you investing wisely? Knowing about some common investment mistakes, can help prevent them from happening to you.
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Taking a Global Bond View
After a year when sovereign debt markets produced widely varied performance globally and even greater divergence within Europe, fixed income investors have much to ponder in 2014. Franklin Templeton International Bond Group Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager John Beck believes that a modest upturn in global growth, accompanied by…
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Going Against the Grain, Again!

Going Against the Grain, Again!

Going against the grain is never easy, particularly when it comes to investing. But if you don’t take the risk of moving out of the crowd and taking a different path, you can’t really stand out. Since its inception, Templeton Global Equity Group has focused on bottom-up value investing, which…
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A realistic look at the investment landscape

A realistic look at the investment landscape

Given a shaky investment environment, Marriott, the income specialists, suggests that investors focus on managing risk and preserving capital We often go into denial in the face of bad news as this can protect us from very stressful situations such as the loss of a loved one. But unchecked, it…
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Is your trust deed valid?
The alarming answer is most probably not, because legal audits have shown that more than ninety percent (90%)of trust deeds (and/or amendments to trust deeds) in South Africa may not stand the test of validity if tested in a court of law.
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The SA Leader Magazine


In the November issue


Leadership Today - Opportunity and Challenge

Self-Service tools and education combine to reduce the data management skills gap

Five questions to ask before choosing a bank for your business


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