Mobile continues to play a defining role within the banking sector: There’s no denying that we are operating in a 24-hour society. And it is in this always-on
Time is a valuable currency in the distraction economy: In a world where distractions are in heavy supply and where marketing is in low demand, companies
Wi-Fi is an Answer for Africa: Across Africa demands are changing, access models are changing and consumers are blurring the lines between corporate
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They say that change is the only constant, yet managing change is an area that few businesses have a real handle on. It is often highlighted in articles, white papers and textbooks that a leader’s ability to adapt and manage change is probably the single most important attribute to success.…
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7 Things savvy leaders do in order to be great leaders

7 Things savvy leaders do in order to be great leaders

1. They recognise and cultivate healthy habits Savvy leaders understand that character outweighs personality every time. Leadership, as so many presume, is not about personality, it is about character. And character is developed over the long haul. Developing character is to know your values – what you live for and…
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The Impact of Coaching on Business

The Impact of Coaching on Business

Leadership Coaching is needed today more than ever as a critical tool for organisational change. Change is essential for business to grow and adapt to today’s rapidly evolving marketplace. To lead and influence people and business, leadership coaching has emerged as the best way to harness leadership skills to achieve…
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Business leaders need to become more stress savvy
How business leaders cope under pressure has enormous implications for the workplace and the performance of companies in tough times. Results from a new business survey show that South African CEOs feel less confident now than five years ago. Confidence levels have fallen to their lowest level since the 2008-2009…
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How to choose the right leadership coach

How to choose the right leadership coach

Consider the world’s greatest athletes, musicians and dancers; how many do you think would have achieved success without a coach to help them make the tough transition to greatness? Some of the greatest leaders in history had a ‘thought partner’ in their strategic arsenal to help them traverse the complex,…
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Still too few women in top jobs

Still too few women in top jobs

There has been progress over the past few years, but the advancement of women into top jobs remains slow. South Africa follows the global pattern where the number of women declines as they rise through the corporate ranks.   “We need a high proportion of women at the professional and…
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The SA Leader Magazine


In the November issue


Leadership Today - Opportunity and Challenge

Self-Service tools and education combine to reduce the data management skills gap

Five questions to ask before choosing a bank for your business


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