Wi-Fi is an Answer for Africa: Across Africa demands are changing, access models are changing and consumers are blurring the lines between corporate
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Getting the most from your payroll & HR solution
An automated payroll solution can help you to save time and money by reducing the paperwork associated with your weekly wage and monthly salary runs. But there's more to running an efficient modern payroll and HR environment than paying your employees on time and printing payslips. Here are five ways…
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Whitewash on the blacklist
Will the 4 million credit profiles you can no longer see, work for you? The new regulations to the National Credit Act will keep companies in the dark about certain information pertaining to employee applicants and potential vendors.   This is according to Jenny Reid, CEO of iFacts, a company…
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Gender pay gap persists
South Africa has an overall gender gap of 25%, as measured by economic participation and opportunity, education, health and political empowerment, yet its gender pay gap remains static at 35%.   “This means women effectively earn in a full year what men earn in eight months,” says Sandra Burmeister, CEO…
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FSB cracking down on compliance - are you ready for an FSB Supervisory Visit?
With the FSB conducting more supervisory visits to Financial Services Providers, and with those visits being more vigorous and in depth, you could soon be receiving a letter from the Supervision Department advising you that they will be paying you a visit sooner than you think.   Receiving such a…
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What does the latest survey on economic crime tells us about bribery and coruption in SA business?
Corporate crime is the scourge of business in South Africa and it’s getting worse. PricewaterhouseCoopers released its annual Global Economic Crime Survey to the media this week.   It exposed the shocking prevalence of economic crime, stating the companies here at home are hit by more fraud, bribery and corruption…
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"SOS" for Business Rescue

"SOS" for Business Rescue

The current economic climate is placing businesses under severe pressure resulting in large numbers going out of business, filing for bankruptcy or turning to Business Rescue as a possible lifeline.   During 2012 the success rate for businesses that applied for Business Rescue was only 8 %. Initially unfavourable tax…
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The SA Leader Magazine


In the September issue

Leadership in a changing context

Interview with one of SA’s Young Achievers

While you’re speaking, what’s your body saying?



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