Wi-Fi is an Answer for Africa: Across Africa demands are changing, access models are changing and consumers are blurring the lines between corporate
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Former South African President Nelson Mandela
You can’t become a great leader, if you can’t speak well.   It’s no coincidence that throughout history nearly all of the great world leaders were good speakers — Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy — to name but a few. Whether you’re a president or a manager, your…
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Let’s simplify jargon and gobbledygook
It’s everywhere — in business, in government in organisations.   What’s scary is that 26% of executives admit to using expressions they don’t understand in meetings. And another research report showed that the thing people dislike most in their jobs is jargon.   The worst organisations for jargon: Law Financial…
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Paragraphs — the building blocks of writing
 Paragraphs remain one for the most important parts of writing. They serve as containers for ideas and help break up large chunks of text, making your content easier to read. But, knowing how to write a good, well-structured paragraph can be little tricky.   There’s no set length for a…
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The Comma – tough to master and easy to mess up
We’re dropping commas more than ever because much of our daily writing now consists of quick text messages and hastily typed emails.   Understanding when and when not to use commas can be very confusing. However, using commas correctly can take your writing to a higher level. And give it…
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Publicity boosts trade – so don’t skimp on your public relations
Public relations is an indispensable tool for big businesses in a fiercely competitive environment. That’s because these companies understand the need for publicity to keep them relevant and visible in the marketplace. And they are prepared to pay for it. Smaller companies on the other-hand, don’t always create a budget…
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How to write effectively

How to write effectively

In business we spend much of our time reading or writing. But no matter how experienced we are, few of us can write even half a page without agonising over how best to put our points across.   The key to effective writing is to keep it simple. Make it…
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The SA Leader Magazine


In the September issue

Leadership in a changing context

Interview with one of SA’s Young Achievers

While you’re speaking, what’s your body saying?



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