Wi-Fi is an Answer for Africa: Across Africa demands are changing, access models are changing and consumers are blurring the lines between corporate
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Crafting a successful employee value proposition
If the phrase ‘employee value proposition’ has you running for the hills, relax, this essential but easy-to-compile plan is not as intimidating as it sounds.   An employee value proposition (EVP) is quite simply the exchange or transaction that occurs between employer and employee; the ‘give’ and the ‘get’ between…
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Compliance is key to hassle-free compensation in business
Compensation, the term used to define the cost of employment of employees, can be a major headache for decision makers in business, particularly if it is not managed properly and issues like compliance are not taken seriously.   One of the main reasons why this responsibility can turn the world…
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What can we expect from the 2014 budget?

What can we expect from the 2014 budget?

The Minister of Finance will present this year’s budget on 26 February, and as we move closer to this date the burning question that every employee would like to know the answer to is whether personal tax rates will go up or down.  Of course, the people who know what’s…
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Maternity leave to the benefit of all
Employees who are on maternity leave can increase the workload for the rest of the division and in certain situations it is not viable to appoint a temporary employee. However, pregnant women have the right to take maternity leave, but it comes with challenges for both the employee and the…
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Who is looking after your nest egg?

Who is looking after your nest egg?

Retirees are often left destitute by the shenanigans of their pension fund administrators. The good news is that there is legislation in place to protect their life savings and make sure those in charge of their money stay in line.   Those sensible enough to have a pension plan would…
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World economy brings on changes in employee bonus and increase thinking
With another tough year behind business around the globe, many employees have been left feeling devalued and unappreciated. Cost cutting has had a major impact on increases and bonuses for employees and though everyone is aware of the reasons, in many cases it does not take the sting out of…
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The SA Leader Magazine


In the September issue

Leadership in a changing context

Interview with one of SA’s Young Achievers

While you’re speaking, what’s your body saying?



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