Mobile continues to play a defining role within the banking sector: There’s no denying that we are operating in a 24-hour society. And it is in this always-on
Time is a valuable currency in the distraction economy: In a world where distractions are in heavy supply and where marketing is in low demand, companies
Wi-Fi is an Answer for Africa: Across Africa demands are changing, access models are changing and consumers are blurring the lines between corporate
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Enabling SMMEs to fulfil their role as the engine room of employment
The recent creation by government of the Ministry of Small Business Development has been welcomed by the private sector as an opportunity to grow SMMEs, expand the economy and create much needed jobs in these challenging times.   We welcome Minister Lindiwe Zulu’s invitation for small business development institutions such…
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Victoria Island Lagos

A payments perspective on the Nigerian economic boom

With Nigeria having recently eclipsed South Africa as the continent’s biggest economy, it is worth taking a look the nation’s progress from the perspective of a service, which is indispensable to the modern way of life – electronic payments. Electronic payments, in turn, depend on suitable telecommunications and banking infrastructure.
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The 5 Best Corruption Tips for April
If you want to be successful in fraud and corruption, South Africa seems to be the perfect university for the eager pupil.   April Fool jokes aside, the hard-ribbed reality is that corruption, like crime, pays. It is the reason the Mafia have lasted where governments have failed. It’s what…
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Is “the dark continent” set to light the way?
Developing African leaders of the future is the best way to ensure the success of the continent, says Professor DINA BURGER, Deputy Pro Vice-Chancellor: Monash South Africa   A report by the African Economic Outlook 2013 describes Africa as a “growth pole in an ailing global economy.” The observation that…
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James Caan - UK Dragons Den Judge & Successful Entrepreneur
James Caan gives insight into how he has become an internationally successful entrepreneur and why he has decided to come to talk to South African entrepreneurs.     1. Can you tell our readers a bit about your success as an entrepreneur? Many people dream of being a successful entrepreneur…
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Clear signs of a new dawn after five years of economic gloom
For business owners who have been operating in survival mode over the past five harrowing years of economic gloom, the signs of a turnaround may not be all that apparent, but according to Nazeem Martin, MD of Business Partners Limited, the evidence is compelling.   The US economy is expected…
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The SA Leader Magazine


In the November issue


Leadership Today - Opportunity and Challenge

Self-Service tools and education combine to reduce the data management skills gap

Five questions to ask before choosing a bank for your business


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