-Forward Thinking Leaders -

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Amit Parbhucharan

Amit Parbhucharan

Amit Parbhucharan is the South Africa Country Manager for Beachhead Solutions, a company that designs cloud-managed mobile device security tools. Amit was formerly the Southern Africa Manager and practice lead for HPs Information Management and Governance software portfolio and joined HP through the acquisition of Autonomy. Amit Parbhucharan is the South Africa Country Manager for Beachhead Solutions, a company that designs cloud-managed mobile device security tools. Amit was formerly the Southern Africa Manager and practice lead for HPs Information Management and Governance software portfolio and joined HP through the acquisition of Autonomy.

Website URL: http://www.beachheadsolutions.com

Social Profiles

3 Must Knows when preparing your Organisation for POPI Compliance

Thursday, 07 May 2015 14:29 Published in Storage & Data Centres
Chris Blair

Chris Blair

Chris Blair, Chief Executive Officer of 21st Century Pay Solutions Group (Pty) Ltd, has consulted to over 500 organisations - both in Southern Africa and internationally. Chris holds a BSC Chem. Eng. and MBA in Leadership & Sustainability and is registered as a Chartered Human Resource (CHR) Practitioner with the South African Board for Personnel Practice (SABPP). He is also accredited as a Master Reward Specialist through the South African Reward Association (SARA).

Areas of specialisation include incentive schemes, cost benefit analysis, financial modelling, breakeven analysis, feasibility studies and many more. He is considered to be one of South Africa’s leading experts in share scheme design for both listed and unlisted companies. Chris has published numerous articles on remuneration and he has appeared in the press for expert views on the subject.

He also serves on numerous boards such as: Council member of Cape Peninsular University of Technology, Huguenot College.

Website URL: http://www.21century.co.za

Real Wages, Productivity and Employment – Is South Africa’s Strategy Sustainable

Thursday, 07 May 2015 13:58 Published in Accounting & Payroll
James Hurford

James Hurford | Corporate Trainer | Author, 'How to write well' and 'How to speak well' | If you want training 'How to write well' or 'How to speak well' in your business, just get in touch, and I'll send you the training modules FREE. Call: Email: Website: 

Website URL:

Social Profiles

20 powerful secrets of persuasion and influence

Tuesday, 10 March 2015 12:49 Published in Leadership

To become a great leader, you must become a great communicator

Let’s simplify jargon and gobbledygook

Gary Allemann

Gary Allemann is passionate about Information Communication Technology (ICT) and more specifically data quality, data management and data governance. His introduction to the field of ICT was cemented with the completion of a Bachelor of Science degree (Hons) at Rhodes University which saw him enter the workplace in 1993 where he secured a position at First National Bank as a programmer. In 1996, Gary moved on to Dimension Data where he began to be more intimately involved with master data management as a Dimension Data CRM specialist. In 2001, Gary moved onto ILC Lerumo, a company that provides asset management and logistics consulting services to the defence and manufacturing industries, as a sales and marketing manager. In 2003, armed with 10 years’ experience, Gary formed Master Data Management, a business that provides specialist solutions for data governance, data quality, big data and MDM. Leveraging the international expertise of its vendors including Harte Hanks Trillium Software, Collibra, Datameer and eLearningCurve, MDM has provided solutions for a range of clients in financial services, government, mining and telecommunications.

Website URL: http://www.masterdata.co.za

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Geocoding is vital to understanding your customer

Tuesday, 05 May 2015 11:07 Published in Technology

Time to insight the defining characteristic of big data

Big Data and how business need to change to support it

Koo Govender

Koo Govender is the VWV Group’s first female CEO in its 30-year history. Formerly the Corporate Marketing and Communications Director at M-Net, Govender took over the reins at VWV Group in September 2013.


Koo’s combination of business and marketing acumen coupled with her experience with high profile events and stakeholder relationship management is unrivalled. At a time when VWV Group expands into new markets and launches new platforms like those offered by VWV Massive - the division that uses music and entertainment properties and platforms to achieve client brand objectives - she brings a unique perspective and has all the right credentials to lead a strong organisation like VWV Group.


Govender, who has worked at the MultiChoice Group for 22 years, developed a real sensitivity to different markets during her tenure, and has an unqualified depth of understanding when it comes to holisitic marketing and consumer market segmentation.


Govender is a passionate and proven marketer with an outstanding record of accomplishment. During her career she has won various Loeries and Promax Awards for on-air promos for the Group and was the first Chairwoman of Promax SA, the world’s premier body for promotion and marketing professionals working in electronic and broadcasting media. She has been a semi-finalist for the Most Influential Woman in 2010: Media category – CEO Magazine; Finalist for 2012 Most Influential Women in Business and Government Awards – CEO Magazine; and is a regular judge for awards likes the Shoprite Checkers Women of the Year and CEO Magazine Women of the Year.


A spiritual person, Govender’s life is directed by her philosophy that “life is not only about success but about significance and living your true potential”. Married and a mother of two, she has travelled extensively, has performed many motivational and guest speaker engagements on Women Empowerment and Mentorship, is a golf enthusiast and enjoys interior decorating.

Website URL: http://www.vwv.com

Social Profiles

Wednesday, 18 February 2015 10:14 Published in Advertising

"Marketing needs to continually re-invent itself if it wants to retain the 'X' Factor" - Part 2

"Marketing needs to continually re-invent itself if it wants to retain the 'X' Factor

Aki Kalliatakis

Aki Kalliatakis

Aki Kalliatakis runs The Leadership LaunchPad, a business focused on customer loyalty and radical marketing that he founded in 1989. He helps companies to implement customised service and loyalty strategies and lectures at executive development programmes for a number of business schools of both local and international universities, though he believes practical ideas are more important than academic theory. He adds value at training programs in Africa and around the world.

Website URL: http://www.leadershiplaunchpad.co.za

Social Profiles

Friday, 29 May 2015 12:05 Published in Customer Service

The big new risk for business … being KFC’d on social media

Expect bigger, angrier consumer backlash, says service fundi

Ivan Israelstam

Ivan Israelstam

Ivan Israelstam is the Chief Executive of Labour Law Management Consulting.
He may be contacted on or or on e-mail address:

Website URL: http://www.labourlawadvice.co.za

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