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The only way is up… or is it?

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The only way is up… or is it?

Most people who work for a boss dream of one day being the boss. Or at least, being a boss, managing a team of people. The idea of climbing the corporate ladder to achieve this goal is one so many employees aspire to. But unfortunately, pure ambition without self-knowledge can lead some to climb the ladder only to find out it’s against the wrong wall.


Business leaders have a responsibility to identify and promote the right people into management positions. After all, building a strong, stable management team is critical to the success of any organisation. However, deciding exactly who to promote into management can be challenging, because eagerness, enthusiasm and even technical competence can easily be misconstrued for management potential.


Ask yourself the following questions when considering promoting an employee into a management position:

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Last modified on Wednesday, 04 June 2014 12:56

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