Mobile continues to play a defining role within the banking sector: There’s no denying that we are operating in a 24-hour society. And it is in this always-on
Time is a valuable currency in the distraction economy: In a world where distractions are in heavy supply and where marketing is in low demand, companies
Wi-Fi is an Answer for Africa: Across Africa demands are changing, access models are changing and consumers are blurring the lines between corporate
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Staying Motivated at Work During the Winter Months

Staying Motivated at Work During the Winter Months

As the winter months approach, so do colder temperatures, shorter days and longer nights. The season not only tempts us to stay wrapped up in the blankets a little longer, itcan also make it difficult to stay motivated and productive at work during the colder months. Human capital management solutions…
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Low Emotional Intelligence – What is it costing you and what is it costing those around you?

Low Emotional Intelligence – What is it costing you and what is it costing those around you?

Most South Africans and most of the world are wondering if Oscar Pistorius did intentionally kill his beloved.   The questions on everyone’s lips are: if he did intentionally kill Reeva, was it in a fit of rage; if it wasn’t intentional, was it his fear of being killed by…
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Speak Easy Hood

Make the Office Work for You in 2014

Every January, we begin the working year with high hopes of making it our most successful 12 months to date. While it is often overlooked, a critical place to start is your working environment. Indeed, having a great workspace is almost half the battle won – and with minimal effort…
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Green is in, but is it perennial?

Green is in, but is it perennial?

The greening revolution is a fad, and the term “greening” is a fatuous one. These are probably not words that you would expect from a “greenie”. However, the truth is that “going green” has come to mean very little in the corporate world where the term “return on investment” will…
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Choose your office colours wisely
The colours you choose for your offices have an enormous impact on your clients and employees; it could influence the way visitors perceive your business, and how your workforce performs.   Visual ergonomics, the science of developing a colour scheme that is most suited for the task at hand in…
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It’s not just about workstations and meeting rooms
Today offices are changing the way people think about work and the way people do actually work. Productivity is based on how creative an office is or what an office has to offer one.
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The SA Leader Magazine


In the November issue


Leadership Today - Opportunity and Challenge

Self-Service tools and education combine to reduce the data management skills gap

Five questions to ask before choosing a bank for your business


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