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WAPA announces new team for industry’s challenges in 2014

The Wireless Access Providers’ Association (WAPA), a non-profit organisation acting as a collective voice for independent wireless operators in South Africa, announces its executive committee for 2014.


WAPA has identified that challenges facing the industry include unfair competition from large incumbent operators and a lack of awareness about the capabilities of wireless technologies and the benefits that WAPA members bring to the market.


The incoming executive committee has decided on several key strategic objectives for 2014. These include providing value-added services for members such as strategic partnerships and education about best practices, as well as engaging in lobbying and external communications in order to promote fair and open competition and promoting the growth of the wireless industry, both fixed wireless and Wi-Fi.


Mohammed Patel is taking over as Chairperson from Christopher Geerdts, who is stepping down after two years at the helm. According to Patel, Geerdts’ contribution and commitment has been invaluable and he looks forward to leading WAPA to the next level.


Geerdts says: “Patel is a respected member of the telecommunications industry, with over 18 years of experience. His strategic insights and negotiating skills are well known in the industry, and will be invaluable in helping WAPA to achieve its aims.”


2014 Objectives:

  • Providing a one-stop-shop for technical, regulatory, and industry best practices for members
  • Proactively building awareness of services available via the fixed wireless and Wi-Fi industry
  • Continuing to lead the discussion amongst stakeholders such as the policy-maker, regulator and the media and the press around key factors affecting the industry such as spectrum policy, and fair and open competition.


Mohammed-Patel---WAPA-webPatel concludes, “Being Chairperson of WAPA is a great privilege but with it also comes responsibility. The wireless industry has many challenges, especially in terms of licensed frequency. As an industry body we can definitely make a difference, by lobbying the Department of Communications to open up more frequency channels for Wireless Service Providers. I look forward to the year ahead and believe as a team we can make an impact to the benefit of our members.”


Patel will be joined on the committee by:

Ellie Hagopian: Deputy Chair, Communications, Wi-Fi

Ziggy Heuer: Treasurer

Ian Anderson: Business Enablement

Jabulani Vilakazi: Development

Jens Lagenhorst: Spectrum

Kerry Simpson: Marketing

Rudolph Roos: Training, Health & Safety

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