When a company achieves this level of alignment, it fosters an environment conducive to team building. The rationale is that once a team is effectively in place and the ‘team building dynamic’ firmly entrenched, there is very little a business cannot accomplish.
This team building and team dynamic in business is crucial, It relates to knowledge sharing, reliable support, succession planning and career development.
The team dynamic is relevant to every level of operation within a business.
Any sized venture, irrespective of focus or stature, must ensure that all silos are connected. There must be support and backup in place to ensure seamless operations and only engaged staff can make that happen.
As far as businesses making the effort to establish and nurture the team-building dynamic, I suggest that team building activities are important provided the outcome objectives are again aligned to the business objectives.
The first priority is to align and clearly communicate each employee’s objectives and outcomes to support the overall business objective.