Boosting Your Return On Your Human Capital investment: Given that the sole differentiator for most companies today is customer service, staff must be any organisation’s
SCA judgment stops lawyers flocking to CCMA: The Labour Relations Act allows legal representation at CCMA. However, the CCMA rules limit such representation in
The broadcasters’ skills gap – too much IT, not enough media: Convergence has revolutionised the ICT space, enabling new technologies to be offered more affordably over IP, and
Leveraging knowledge for a competitive edge:  What are value added services and how can smart retailers can use this to thrive in a
Car Dealers have multiple car sites at their disposal…which one is right for you?: The digital revolution has meant that numerous online publishing companies are building trader platforms that allow dealers
The Rise of the Millennial Consumer: The world is in a constant state of change. Now more than ever before. Daily if not
Ethics in the Workplace: Whenever we think of ‘ethics in the workplace’, we inevitably think of all the things we could
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Gordon Patterson clarifies the role of media strategists and planners for PDMSA

Gordon Patterson clarifies the role of media strategists and planners for PDMSA

Gordon Patterson, the Group Managing Director of The Starcom MediaVest Group and Chairman of VivaKi South Africa, was recently asked by Print & Digital Media South Africa (PDMSA) to clarify the role of media strategists and planners in the placing of advertisements. Representing the AMF, he presented his views at…
The Highs and Lows of the ABC’s
Gordon Patterson, Group MD of the Starcom MediaVest Group (SMG) and Vice Chair of the ABC’s takes a look at the health of the print industry.     Times remain tough in the print industry. Current GDP projections indicate that we will achieve a 2.5% GDP growth albeit that CPI…
How local knowledge keeps Junk Mail ahead in the classifieds market
South Africa's media dynamics are unlike those anywhere else – and it's this knowledge of the local market that has enabled the Junk Mail stable to stay ahead of its online and print competitors.While Junk Mail's future is online, there is still a huge and lucrative market for print publications…

The SA Leader Magazine

Cover sml

In the October issue

On leadership: Your next 10 moves; think carefully!

Ethics in the workplace

The broadcasters’ skills gap – too much IT, not enough media

Boosting Your Return On Your Human Capital investment


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