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Management Changes at Starcom Mediavest Group South Africa

Gordon Patterson, long time CEO of Starcom MediaVest Group (SMG), South Africa will be leaving the company at the end of April, 2014. A seasoned industry veteran, Patterson has resigned from the company to explore new challenges and opportunities.

“Gordon’s contributions to the industry and to our business in South Africa are immeasurable,” said Iain Jacob, SMG President, Dynamic Markets, “We thank him for his years of service and wish him the best of luck in the future.”

Patterson is a man of vast industry experience. After completing an IMM diploma, he joined the Argus Group as Assistant Marketing Administration Manager and moved through the ranks. During this time he started a separate unit called the Sowetan Marketing Services. In 1987, he joined Young & Rubicam as Media Planner and was promoted to Media Manager. This was followed by a stint with DMB&B/Sonnenberg Murphy Leo Burnett as Media Manager and a promotion to Associate Media Director. In 2000, Patterson launched and was appointed Managing Director of SMG, South Africa. Patterson is an active and outspoken media professional, frequently sought after for his insight in the media world. He’s deputy president of the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC), SA and past chairman and active member of the Advertising Media Forum (AMF).

“I wish SMG, it’s staff and stakeholders continued prosperity and all the best for the future,” said Patterson. “However, after many years within the company I think it’s the right time to explore new entrepreneurial ventures.”

The company plans to announce a new management structure within the coming weeks.

SMG South Africa is growing with recently acquired clients like Mondelez,Etisalat and S-Mobile joining a robust client roster. 

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