Wi-Fi is an Answer for Africa: Across Africa demands are changing, access models are changing and consumers are blurring the lines between corporate
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The Big Gorilla Sits Wherever He Wants To… Or Maybe Not
The first time I ever heard the expression about where the big gorilla sits, I became irrationally angry. But of course, that’s how it’s always been, for thousands of years now. The powerful do what they want, and the small people just have to fit in, right? Maybe not.  …
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Turning Terrorists into Angels
What is the price that business pays when customers complain? The bottom line? Customer complaints are extremely expensive to any company: We not only lose the customer and his future purchases for the rest of his life… But now we need to replace this customer with more expensive marketing, promotional…
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Top ten contact centre strategies

Top ten contact centre strategies

With a new breed of consumer making new demands on business, contact centres are having to radically change their approach to operations.   Interactive Intelligence recently discussed Top Ten Contact Centre Strategies with a European audience via a series of webinars, based on extensive experience in global contact centre technologies…
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Romance Your Customers
Imagine that you decide that it is time to get married soon. You go out and buy a new outfit, new shoes, and expensive after-shave. You select a demographically-correct singles bar because this, you decide, is the place where the woman* of your dreams will probably hang out.   You…
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Ignore customers and lose business… but for real stupidity try email
Every opportunity to communicate with customers is an opportunity to build volumes and profit. Maximising the communication opportunity is therefore a business imperative. Or is it? Many companies that migrate to email communication, leave their business sense behind, along with their sense of basic courtesy. In the electronic age, a…
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How does business deal with government’s GV monster?
Just when you think things can’t get any worse they always do. The challenge for business is to soften the blow. That challenge has never been greater. Government has screwed up big time. It’s been spending beyond its means and has failed to build a more self-reliant economy.   As…
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The SA Leader Magazine


In the September issue

Leadership in a changing context

Interview with one of SA’s Young Achievers

While you’re speaking, what’s your body saying?



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