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What’s changed in ‘new media’ since 2007?

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What’s changed in ‘new media’ since 2007?

In June 2007 I wrote an article based on separating the wheat from the chaff regarding the ‘new media’ that, at the time, were fighting for their share of the advertising pie and delivery in terms of real reach and impact.


For clarity’s sake, the ‘new media’ referred to in this article is obviously today’s ‘now media’.


My argument at the time was two-fold: firstly reach has to be key, referring to the fact that if only 1% of people who see a message are converted; you want to convert 1% of the largest number of people possible. Secondly, I discussed media types that were engaging with the audience rather than dictating to drive impact, as engagement would drive more uptake and brand love.


Seven years later and I would still argue the same point, however due to the advancements in technology there is more new media to achieve advertising objectives - new media refers to everything that is not traditional: TV, radio, print and outdoor.

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Last modified on Friday, 09 May 2014 10:02

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