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We repair colleagues houses damaged during strike at Ngqura Container Terminal

We are pleased to advise our colleagues that Transnet has undertaken to repair the damaged houses of all our colleagues who chose to heed the National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa's (Numsa) call to strike at Ngqura Container Terminal. For those colleagues who have already fixed damages to their properties, Transnet will cover the cost of repairs.


As we all know, lawlessness, intimidation and senseless violence has accompanied the work stopage by a small minority of our colleagues at the Terminal. This has resulted in houses belonging to those of us who chose to not take part in the strike being bombed, stoned and attacked. Some of our colleagues have reported being intimidated.


All these acts have been reported to the police and it is our view that arrests are iminent. Transnet will take the necessary disciplinary measures against any employee implicated. We encourage everyone to report any incidents of criminal behavior or conduct that is contrary to our values at Transnet.


The decision to cover the cost of repairs signals our commitment to protect the rights of our colleagues who chose not to join the Numsa-organised strike action. It also signals our resolve to stand firm in the face of such intimidatory tactics and violence.


To ensure that perpetrators of these violent acts are brought to justice, Transnet made available a R100 000 reward for information that may lead to the arrest and successful prosecution of the perpetrators.


While Transnet recognises the right of all its employees to strike, it is important to remember the following:

  • The no work, no pay rule applies;
  • A lockout is in place - striking employees will be allowed to return to work only if their union withdraws its demands; and
  • Striking employees will forfeit the annual incentive bonus and the container incentive bonus for the period they were on strike.

The Numsa strike - which started on Friday 25th April 2014 - is entering its eleventh day.


We wish to thank our colleagues, management and the leadership of our recognised unions - SATAWU and UTATU SARWHU, for their guidance and counsel during this period. As a final note, we wish to share with you that our efforts have not gone without recognition.


Last week, one of our major customers sent a formal congratulatory note, thanking us for the extra effort that we have made to ensure our customer meets its promise. This was shared with both our Cheif Executive, Mr. Karl Socikwa and the Group Cheif Executive for Transnet, Mr. Brian Molefe.

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