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Update on strike action at Ngqura Container Terminal

Transnet Port Terminals would like to emphasise that it regrets any interruption of services occasioned by the industrial action which commenced on 25th April 2014.


Regrettably the strike action is still underway. Although, the terminal is not hundred percent operational, we glad to announce that all areas of the business are still operating, these being the waterside, rail and the gate for external trucks.


It is the desire of terminal management to bring the strike to an end as quickly as possible and no effort is being spared to acheive this goal. We are fully cognisant of the responsibility we have to move our customers' cargo, with the necessary speed.


Transnet Port Terminals will keep you informed of the developments herein and will continue to act in a fair and principled manner in order to ensure that the interests of our valued customers are not compromised.

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