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SizweNtsalubaGobodo ready to take-on the world through launch of new Brand

POSTERS7-webHaving established itself as South Africa’s first fully home- grown professional services practice, SizweNtsalubaGobodo has over the past few months embarked on a journey of discovery and self-reflection that this week came to fruition through the launch of its newly evolved brand.


With a new brand promise of ‘Opportunity. Exceeded’, Nonkululeko Gobodo, Chairperson of SizweNtsalubaGobodo, says it was the firm’s reputation as both a trail blazer and its intention of building a legacy of African business excellence that shaped the thinking behind the new brand.


“SizweNtsalubaGobodo has changed the landscape of the South African accounting and auditing profession. Through setting new standards of excellence in African business we have effectively exceeded opportunity to deliver beyond expectations and this is what we want our brand to reflect.


“At the same time along with the opportunity comes the obligation for us to take on the mantle of shaping the future and creating a legacy for those that follow. Unlike many other firms we are also in the fortunate position in that we are not confined by history and are able to shape and mould who we are and effectively position our business for the modern economy,” she explains.


With technology having created exceptional access to information for the modern consumer to interact with products and services, Gobodo believes that SizweNtsalubaGobodo has been successful in creating a connected brand that is able to continuously engage with people when they want, where they want, and how they want.


“We are very aware that for our evolved brand to successfully make an impact, we as people working for the firm need to live it. Here, through a collaborative effort, we have defined our brand character and the key pillars that define who we are. This character and promise will be the thread running through and connecting the brand experience, behaviour, service offering, delivery, advertising and image,” she comments.


Elaborating on the five strategic pillars underline the SizweNtsalubaGobodo way -African Pride, Legacy, Innovative co-creators of value, Game changers change the world, and Enabler – Gobodo says as a firm the pillars will have a profound impact on what the firm believes and the way they do things going forward.


“For the SizweNtsalubaGobodo brand 2014 is about being seen and felt. We have marketing initiatives in place that we are confident will ensure our clients, staff, and the business community at large really get to experience the essence of our brand. We have essentially refined our purpose as to meaningfully contribute to the development of African leadership by creating a leadership legacy that transforms the economic landscape of Africa from prospect to prosperity,” she adds.


Gobodo believes the firm’s elevator speech sums up the essence of its brand: ‘We are an African firm that delivers excellence and seeks opportunity to create a global legacy’.


“After all is said and done the brand character and promise lives and breathes with its people and we are excited to go out there and live and do things the SizweNtsalubaGobodo way, exceeding each and every opportunity in 2014,” concludes Gobodo.


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