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loveLife launches new brand positioning

“Powering the Future”

On 26th June 2013, loveLife Chairman, Mr Mpho Makwana announced the launch of a new loveLife brand positioning at an event held in Sandton, JHB. Moving forward, the loveLife brand will focus on the development of youth leadership, with the brand positioning of Powering the Future.

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Youth empowerment has always been a part of loveLife’s DNA - since its inception, loveLife has realised the benefits of unlocking the power of youth leadership, such as higher rates of employment and completion of tertiary education amongst its corps of young leaders, called groundBREAKERS. This is especially powerful when viewed in the context of South Africa’s youth unemployment situation: For many young people, there is a significant gap between leaving school and finding employment, and research shows that during this time, they are much more vulnerable to social ills such as substance abuse, HIV infection and crime. According to the National Planning Commission, youth unemployment is “the greatest risk to social stability in South Africa”.


loveLife believes that by expanding youth leadership programmes such as its groundBREAKERS programme, they can help young people bridge the gap between school and work. The new brand proposition of “Powering the Future” talks directly to this primary objective of building complete young leaders – loveLife works with young people to help them develop their leadership skills and realize their full potential.


Launched in 1999, loveLife first captured South African youths’ attention with cutting-edge media campaigns, then moved on to reach unprecedented scale through community services and outreach programmes. Currently, loveLife programmes touch 1 in every 3 South African teenagers, through its network of young leaders, known as groundBREAKERS and Mpintshis. The brand will harness this scale to execute the new brand positioning and identity across all its existing programmes and services.


loveLife will also be launching an exciting new addition to their already successful line-up of programmes in October - an innovative new digital programme aimed at empowering South Africa’s youth to make better choices through a combination of education and reward. While young South Africans continue to need knowledge about HIV and safe sex messaging, it has become clear that motivation is also needed to act on this knowledge to commit to sustained behaviour change. loveLife’s new digital programme will combine educational programmes with rewards for positive behavior like getting tested for HIV.


SDP 9815“The shift to a stronger focus on youth leadership feels intuitive for loveLife, as this has always been a key part of our programmes – our groundBREAKERS programme is one of the most well-recognised and well-respected youth leadership programmes in the country”, comments CEO Grace Matlhape.


An additional layer to the “Powering the Future” proposition is leveraging loveLife’s unique position as a major player in civil society to build trust through shared projects between government, industry, and communities, to create opportunities for youth empowerment that have sufficient impact on a national scale. The JHB event, held to launch the new brand positioning to government, key stakeholders and media was successfully attended, with attendees buying into the new “Powering the future” brand proposition, and loveLife’s proposed new models of stakeholder collaboration.

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