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E-learning: Creative content is king

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E-learning: Creative content is king

Over the past 13 years, the global e-learning market has grown immensely, and recent studies have projected that by 2019, half of all classes taught, will be delivered online. According to a recent Gartner research report, corporate training is a $200 billion industry, while electronic learning represents just over a quarter of this amount. E-learning provides a consistent, standardised method of delivering training throughout an organisation. By incorporating different learning methods into the e-learning material that we produce, we are able to emphasise content from multiple angles, allowing for greater retention of information.

While we know that corporate training is an important part of personal development and growth, and also contributes a great deal towards productivity within the workplace, it tends to be something that we would rather shy away from. When we think of learning, we think of a vast array of information that needs to be cemented into our memories, and the difficulties that we are likely to encounter in the process of doing so. E-learning strives to use different learning methods in order to keep the content engaging and to make it something that the learner will be drawn to, rather than something that they dread. With the help of talented creatives, like instructional designers, editors, graphic designers, content developers and animators, we are able to create learning material that is effective, interactive and memorable.


By using sound instructional design principles and a variety of development tools, we are able to simulate a classroom environment and create role-plays, which can then be used as case studies for assessments, or as part of a blended course. Production is a highly specialised component of the e-learning process and requires a certain degree of understanding and finesse to translate the content from written words on a page, into an effective and stimulating communication piece. 3D characters can be integrated into the e-learning courseware, tapping into the tools that video game developers use to make games interactive and stimulating. With the current technology at our disposal, learning can be as much fun as playing an Xbox or PlayStation title!


With the help of a talented production department, we are able to take the specialised knowledge of a subject matter expert, and marry that with the skill of an experienced presenter, which can then be supported by complimentary graphics and visuals – the best of both worlds. The efficiency of any course relies predominantly on the expertise of the educator and the material that they are teaching, but without passionate creatives behind them to make things interesting and memorable, the student may listen to what is being taught, but they may not actually hear.

Last modified on Thursday, 20 June 2013 12:49
Kirsty Chadwick

Kirsty Chadwick

As an experienced educator, public speaker and leader, Kirsty Chadwick has spent almost two decades involved in the field of education. Founder of The Training Room Online, which designs and develops innovative tailor-made e-learning material for the corporate, industrial and private sectors, Kirsty has trained, developed and inspired people across three continents.


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