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Defining your career goals… your five year plan

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Defining your career goals… your five year plan

This Youth Month, perhaps take a moment to consider your ambitions and goals for your future. After all you’ll never find ‘destination happiness’ if you don’t know where it is, what it looks like or what your expected time of arrival should be. Ensure you look at the positive attributes to nurture if you have dreams of making your mark in the world.

Engaging in a goal-setting exercise and embarking on a strategic career planning process, you too can take the next steps in moving from good to great. “It’s important to take the time to set some well thought out and realistic goals to relook at your future plans and career goals.” says Kelly Group’s Marketing Executive, Kim Meszaros.

Think S.M.A.R.T

“S.M.A.R.T” stands for Specific; Measurable; Achievable; Realistic; and Time-targeted. By using these principles as your framework when thinking about what it is you would like to achieve, you are safeguarding yourself against failure. All that’s left to do is make a firm and definite decision to make the most of yourself throughout the coming months and you’ll no doubt have reason to celebrate as the year draws to a close.

Career Map

As Meszaros points out, every great event has an agenda that guides it and if you wish the latter half of 2013 to be a positively eventful time, then preparing an agenda is crucial. Failing to plan means you are planning to fail. Knowing where your career is taking you and how you are going to get there is crucial to your success and happiness.

Get “SWOT-ing”

Analyse your strengths and weaknesses as part of a personal SWOT analysis. Assess where you exhibit opportunities for growth and the threat of failure, and align this with your ambitions.Be prepared for lifelong learning. Having a qualification is not enough; you must possess a range of multiple skills and knowledge that will set you apart from your colleagues. Never stop learning; there is no end to it. Treat each new day as an opportunity to learn something new. Read as much as you can. The internet is a great tool for sourcing information that you can use in self-study.

Become Irreplaceable

Be the best version of you, be confident and proud of who you are. Shake hands firmly and look potential employers directly in the eye. Listen carefully and choose your words wisely. If you’d like to find yourself in a better place this time next year, then take a long and hard look at the way you conduct yourself. Becoming an employee you would like to manage if you were a team leader is one effective way of ensuring your goals are achieved. For more advice regarding your career and achieving your career goals visit and

Last modified on Monday, 24 June 2013 11:52

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