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Insurance for small businesses: What should be covered?

Small firms contribute to more than 40% of South Africa’s gross domestic product[i]. Considering tax and labour legislation has made the SMME space a rather hostile environment, this figure is a testimony to the determination of our nation’s entrepreneurs.


In spite of its challenges, this sector of the economy is expected to become more lucrative thanks to pending initiatives by government to decrease tax measures on businesses in the lower end of the spectrum. Grants received by small and medium sized businesses are also expected to become tax exempt[ii].


With the majority of South Africa’s small businesses operating in the agricultural trade-, tourism- and construction industries[iii], business owners face a substantial amount of risk, as businesses in these sectors require a hands-on approach.


It’s important to insure your small business against those rainy days where disaster strikes. In addition to insuring the business’s physical assets, however, business owners also need to remember that they themselves are their businesses’ most important assets and should be covered too. That’s where life insurance comes in, in the form of contingent liability insurance for major debts, cover for buy-and-sell agreements and key man insurance.


However, the affordability of cover could be a stumbling block for many business owners.

 According to Schalk Malan, executive director at BrightRock, traditional business assurance policies are structured in the same form as personal life insurance policies.


“There tends to be a single capitalised block of cover for all needs, and this cover is priced for the maximum term. This cover structure is not necessarily in the best interest of the small business owner, because the cover increases as your needs decrease – leading to cost inefficiency in the way premiums are structured.”


This is why BrightRock decided to follow a more flexible approach, which allows an upfront premium savings of 30% on average, allowing business owners to invest more funds in their businesses, or allocate the savings to more cover in the event of underinsurance.


Malan explains: “By structuring business owners’ cover to meet their exact needs, BrightRock removes premium waste and saves money from the payment of their first premiums. BrightRock’s unique approach allows advisers to tailor business owners’ cover over time to match the profile of their needs.”


In addition to this, business owners have the unique ability to convert up to R7.5 million of their cover to personal cover at a later stage – without the requirement of medical underwriting.

“Standard BrightRock polices automatically include the ability for you to redirect your premiums to cover your personal needs if your business cover needs reduce or end. This is done free of underwriting, giving you the benefit of the underwriting you initially underwent and premiums you have paid thus far.”


But what to do in the event where the business’ growth exceeds expectations, leaving the business owner with a desire to increase his cover?


Not a problem for BrightRock policyholders, says Malan.


“Standard BrightRock policies automatically have access to an extra cover account, to access later in the business lifetime with only an HIV test.”


What short-term risks should be covered for your small business?

  • Fire, explosion and earthquake
  • Acts of nature (wind, thunder, lightning, storm, hail, flood and snow)
  • Damage caused by bursting and overflowing geysers and water pipes
  • Malicious damage
  • Power surges
  • Impact
  • Fire brigade charges
  • Vehicles or fleets
  • Buildings
  • Contents
  • Travel
  • Employer’s liability
  • Business interruption
  • Stock and money
  • Employee dishonesty
  • Public liability


Long term insurance for a small business: What should be covered?

Contingent liability insurance for major debts

Long term insurance for buy and sell agreements

Key man insurance

Contingent liabilities are liabilities that may be incurred by an entity (like a small business) depending on the outcome of an uncertain future event – such as the inability to honour a major debt due to a serious illness, debilitating injury or death.

This will ensure that co-owners of the business can continue to operate the business with as little disruption as possible in the event of the death of the business owner. It also ensures that the estate of the deceased business owner receives fair value for his or her business interest, as well as the settlement of his credit loan account.

An insurance policy taken out by a business to compensate the particular business for financial losses that would arise from the death or extended incapacity of an important member of the business. 


[i] Making small business work in South Africa (http://www.foundation-development-africa.org); Small business in South Africa (http://www.sabusinesswarrior.com/index.html)

[iii] “Small business in South Africa” ()

Published in Insurance
Growth in luxury brands in SA calls for specialised insurance

Global consultancy Bain has predicted a 20% to 30% growth in the luxury brands market in South Africa over the next five years indicating the increased buying power in the country. However, owners of luxury brand items may be at an increased risk of underinsurance or even be unable to replace the item with the same brand.


This is according to Christelle Fourie, Managing Director of MUA Insurance Acceptances, who says consumers pay a premium for the bespoke design of their luxury brand items and expect them to be properly replaced should something become damaged, lost or stolen. “However, many general insurance providers do not factor in the premium that is paid for designer brands into their claims settlement approach.”

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