Millionaire to Billionaire conference 26 April 2014
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Get a Press Office

Get a Press Office

TheSALeader Press Office allows for the easy management of a professional presence on the web and is recommended for companies needing to cost-effectively distribute information on a regular basis.


Benefits of TheSALeader Press Office

Below are some of the benefits of having your own Press Office...

  • Social BroadcastingTheSALeader will broadcast your press release through our social media channels via Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
  • Up-to-date online presence – As soon as you have news you can load it to your Press Office.
  • Your branding – Your company brand is reflected in the FREE design of the Press Office which including the news page, profile page and contact page
  • Improved SEO for your existing website – In your press office you will also have a link to your existing website improving your SEO ranking with major search engines, such as Google etc.
  • Your news is Featured on the– Your company’s news will be featured on our home page and the selected section offering exposure to our audience.
  • Inclusion in the WeeklySnapshot newsletter – Recent news is included in our weekly newsletter.
  • Cost saving – No costly development or website maintenance, it is all included in your Press Office subscription
  • Value – We provide you with unlimited press releases to distribute your news and you may include 5 historic press releases in the Press Office area before launch.
  • Price – The price of TheSALeader Press Office is much more affordable to other comparative products in the market.








Cost per year on an upfront payment. R3, 500

Quarterly payment option (Payment every 3 months) R1, 030

Monthly payment option (minimum 12 months) R450



Non-Press Office holders can purchase a once-off press release.

Once-off press release costs R250 (excl VAT) per press release which will be shown on for two weeks.



* Payment of accounts must be made within 30 days from invoice date.

* Prices exclude VAT

* All costs include Agency Commission



* Payment must be received prior to publishing the press release.

* Prices exclude VAT

* All costs include Agency Commission



TO ORDER A PRESS OFFICE: Contact one of TheSALeader’s sales representatives. Call or email


Last modified on Tuesday, 27 November 2012 13:44
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