Aiden Choles, co-founder and the managing director of The Narrative Lab discusses how they came across the topic of Re:Humanisation, through his work with narrative in the workplace. Covering areas of:
- The change of understanding how people have purpose and meaning within South African businesses today,
- De:Humanisation and how this happing in current work environments,
- Why Re:Humanisation has relevance to organisations over and above "it being a nice thing to do",
- People Focus vs. Re:Humanisation,
- Is Re:Humanisation applicable to SME's as well as larger corporare organisations,
- The effects of implementing Re:Humanising approach,
- How previous FNB (First National Bank) CEO, Michael Jordaan, tributes their innovative approach in banking to incorporating Re:Humaning into their strategy,
- The effect of Re:Humanisation on employees.
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