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A satisfied employee is a productive employee

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A satisfied employee is a productive employee

South Africa’s leading workplace intelligence company, Know More, is on a quest to improve the satisfaction levels of the country’s knowledge workers.


Know More, a division of leading interior designers, Giant Leap, has a simple mantra: that an effective work environment makes people happy, and happier people work better.  This idea is supported by numerous studies that show that employees who are happy with their place of work are more productive, less likely to leave the organisation, take fewer sick days and are far better advocates for their organisations. They will go the extra mile in terms of customer service and performance, ultimately generating more revenue, helping their organisation progress.


Because of this, as part of their workspace consulting services, Know More has partnered with leading workplace satisfaction experts in the UK, Leesman, to offer a unique service to South African companies – a standardised employee workplace satisfaction survey to help them measure the satisfaction their staff members have with the facilities, activities and features of their workspace.


Leesman is the world’s most comprehensive, contemporary workplace effectiveness performance benchmark. The Leesman Index tool enables employers to monitor exactly how well workplace environments are supporting employees in the work they are undertaking and to see the impact on organisational performance.


The survey measures the individual activities each employee is undertaking in their role and then examine their satisfaction with the mix of facilities and features provided to support their work. Know More can then provide analysis of how these factors are impacting on key measures such as productivity, pride and enjoyment.


Know More believes that in offering a central and unified effectiveness measurement solution, organisations can learn from the vast range of comparative data that will quickly collect. But it also recognises that organisations are all different, so it can work with companies to understand the culture and concerns of the organisation and develop additional questions, while still offering a cost-effective yet results-led solution to CRE performance evaluation.


This analysis model is being used as a starting point for organisations that want a deeper understanding of the relationship between people and place. Since its launch in Summer 2010, Leesman has been adopted by organisations globally who have deployed our survey in 24 countries with responses now from 37,000+ employees across 255+ locations. These clients see this depth of understanding vital in helping them make a real difference to the operation of their organisation.

Through its partnership with Leesman, Know More is the only company that offers the Leesman survey in South Africa and in addition, provides in-depth analysis of the results offering both quick wins and long-term solutions to ensure that companies are maximizing their space to increase staff satisfaction.


For more information on Know More’s services, email Peter Townshend at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , visit www.knowmoresa.com or call 011 8801490. Know More is a workplace intelligence company and division of Giant Leap. It provides clients with an in-depth understanding of their workplace and offers a comprehensive consultancy service to ensure clients’ offices are as productive and profitable as possible.

Last modified on Monday, 08 July 2013 12:04
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