To leverage the BYOD trend and protect the business, corporates need mobile device management software: The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) phenomenon, which sees individuals bring their own mobile devices into the

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Can an “innovation index” assist your company to innovate more consistently?

Can an “innovation index” assist your company to innova…

Innovation: an “over-used” word with little meaning in most ...

Winning at social media is a team effort

Winning at social media is a team effort

As the evolution of social media marches on and more compani...

Why business to customer communication is broken – and how to fix it

Why business to customer communication is broken – and …

As a customer, do you know how many business relationships y...

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Can an “innovation index” assist your company to innovate more consistently?
Innovation: an “over-used” word with little meaning in most companies? “Innovation” is a word heard very often in company corridors, yet it is the one thing practised least by most companies. I know of many companies that even have being “innovative” as one of their values, yet one would never…
Why business to customer communication is broken – and how to fix it
As a customer, do you know how many business relationships you have? Listing them can be an interesting exercise: The phone company, the supermarket, the doctor, the dentist, the garage, the bank, the gym, the place you buy your lunch… almost everybody can rack up at least 20 of these…
Winning at social media is a team effort
As the evolution of social media marches on and more companies adopt it as a mainstream business tool, it is becoming clear that social media can no longer only be relegated to the marketing department, but requires a cohesive approach if it is to be effective and impactful. As companies…
Headshots a Head and Shoulders above Ordinary
Your corporate profile pictures are the persona that you, and your organisation, portray to the rest of the world and once published, they live on in print or online domains forever, staring back at the reader and sending a message with every viewing. Marketing your brand and representing the perfect…
Write for the eye as well as the mind
Writing well is important, but so is making it look easy to read. Huge chunks of unbroken text just looks too scary, too long and too much like hard work. Pay attention to format and appearance – because it’s likely more people will read what you’ve written: Give it a…
Online retailer doubles turnover by accepting credit cards

Online retailer doubles turnover by accepting credit cards

It took online outdoor products retailer three years to come around to the idea of accepting credit cards on its website – but, says owner John Guthrie, “It turned my business around. I should have done it from the beginning.”
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