To leverage the BYOD trend and protect the business, corporates need mobile device management software: The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) phenomenon, which sees individuals bring their own mobile devices into the
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Smart ways to identify next generation leaders

Smart ways to identify next generation leaders

Global expansion, pressure on resources, governance constraints, technological advances and aggressive competition are placing huge demands on organisations.   “Competitiveness and business sustainability are dependent on the quality of leadership at the helm of the enterprise,” says Sandra Burmeister, CEO of Amrop Landelahni. “However, finding, developing and engaging the next…
No……People are NOT our Greatest Asset!

No……People are NOT our Greatest Asset!

For years we have been told that people are our greatest asset, particularly if we were in the Human Resource Department – I believe that for years we have blindly repeated and followed this mantra when in fact it is fallacious!   One needs only to listen to managers, both…
Personal branding what it is and a few tips on building one

Personal branding what it is and a few tips on building one

We are all branded whether we like it or not, and if you don’t take responsibility for branding and marketing yourself, others will do it for you.   There are many myths around personal branding. Many think it’s pretending to be someone you’re not, or that it’s only relevant for…
The workplace in 2050: Managing change through effective leadership

The workplace in 2050: Managing change through effective leadership

The workplace environment is constantly evolving, and in order for businesses to remain competitive and thrive in this changing environment, effective leadership is vital.  This is according to Hennie Heymans, Managing Director of DHL South Africa, who addressed the attendees of the 2013 DHL Tomorrow’s Leaders Convention, a gathering of…
Strengthening Organisations from the Inside

Strengthening Organisations from the Inside

Too often, in the attempt to increase profit and drive efficiency, business leaders look to external solutions to enhance company performance. Yet in doing so, they are ignoring their greatest strategic asset: their own people.   Peter Drucker, business guru and author, said: "I like to think that a lot…
The "Soft Stuff" Really Does Still Count!

The "Soft Stuff" Really Does Still Count!

I was chatting the other day with a group of successful business men and women and the inevitable question came up - "Which part of your business gives you the most problems?" Equally inevitably, the usual answer came up – "People!"   It seems that we are destined to re-live…
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