In the September issue
How to recruit through Social Media
Uber yourself before you get Kodaked
POPI and Medical Practices
Leading and staying focus
-Forward Thinking Leaders -
How to recruit through Social Media
Uber yourself before you get Kodaked
POPI and Medical Practices
Leading and staying focus
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Released as an app on Mxit in July last year, How to speak well already has a huge following right across South Africa.
Most Mxit non-corporate apps languish around the 2,000 to 3,000 follower mark. However, How to speak well surpassed that within a week. And, it's still growing.
“I knew the book would do well, but I didn't think it would do quite this well.”
– James Hurford. Author
It’s being taken up by all kinds of people — professionals, students, school kids, the employed
and unemployed.
What they’re saying:
“Wow! This book is really cool.
I learnt how to be a good communicator.
I love this.”
— Dr Mafunda
“I’m glad to read these tips. They make me feel special and great.
I’m proud. Keep it up.”
— Alie
“Killer tips”
— Thembeka
“This book is a winner.
If it was a person…it deserves a bells”
— Zoka
“This book is good for me, its boosted my moral in public speaking.”
— Prudent
“Wow! These tips have developed me alot.
I’m sure I will improve and do better.”
— Mesuli
“Truly inspiring and educational.
Now I see why the world’s greatest speakers are admired so much”
— TB
FREE book helps people speak better
“Each chapter is an individual article I wrote for Bizcommunity and SALeader. They proved so
popular I’ve put them together in a book. Now anyone, anywhere in South Africa can get them
all for FREE.” – James Hurford. Author
"By providing James with a platform we’ve been able to give our readers ingenious tips, clear
direction and creative advice on speaking. The value in James Hurford's articles lies in the fact
that he is a hub housing resourceful guidelines for speaking.” – Megan Holt. Bizcommunity
“The essential skill is the ability to communicate clearly and persuasively. We are now often
judged solely on the basis of how we speak. ‘How to speak well’ will make you a much better
communicator. It’s packed with examples, and easy-to-follow advice. This book has plenty of
smart ideas you’ll immediately apply. If you want to instantly improve the quality of your
speaking, this is an indispensable reference to use.” – Geoffrey Dean. SA Leader
“How to speak well by James Hurford provides a detailed look and helpful tips on how to gain
confidence in speaking. A must for anyone struggling to get their message across with strength
and ease.” – Jesse Beth Pearse. Mxit
How to speak well
Secrets to help you communicate better at work, at home and in your community
No matter who you are or what you do, speaking well is one of the most important skills you
can develop. Personal relationships, social interactions and work situations all require you to
communicate to other people.
By becoming a better speaker you can advance your career, enhance your reputation, boost
your self-confidence and open up countless opportunities.
Powerful secrets of persuasion and influence
Your ability to persuade and influence people, to get them to understand, accept and act upon
your ideas — is crucial to your success. People who speak persuasively have greater personal
power, get more things done and achieve their goals faster.
By learning how to persuade and influence people it will help you to be more successful in
every area of life — your home, your work and in your community.
To become a great leader,
you must become a great communicator
You can’t become a great leader, if you can’t speak well.
It's no coincidence that throughout history nearly all of the great world leaders were good
speakers — Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy — to name but a few.
Whether you’re a president or a manager, your success depends on good communication.
Download How to speak well FREE at:
Read it on your mobile phone FREE at:
James Hurford is the owner of Passion, a company specialising in training communication skills
to individuals in organisations all across Africa.
James helps people become more effective, more confident and more dynamic communicators.
Communication skills are at the heart of getting things done and communication training helps organisations get results.
James has over 25 years of experience working in top London advertising agencies. He’s worked as a creative on accounts such as, British Airways, British Telecom, Barclays Wealth, American Express, Mercedes Benz, BMW and Shell.
Now he brings his vast amount of knowledge and expertise in communication skills to individuals in organisations right across Africa, such as:
James Hurford | Africa’s #1 Success Trainer
Speaker | Author, ‘How to speak well’ and ‘How to write well’
Call: +27 (0) 742 545 881
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